Hierapolis - Castabala - Bodrum Castle

Hierapolis - Castabala city

A beautiful, little visited site. A powerfull mediaeval castle (the local name Bodrum Kale is a corruption of Petrium, the Castle of St Peter) dominates the Roman ruins of ancient Castabala/Hierapolis. A colonnaded road leads to the Temple Plain, where there is a theatre and traces of an ancient sanctuary. The site is not excavated, and there are no modern intrusions within sight.

Castabala was the capital of ancient Clician Kingdom, which ruled under Roman aegis just before and after year o. Cicero, the Roman orator, was briefly proconcul here. His hand-picked king of Clicia, Tarcondimotus, betrayed Pompey in his war against Caesar. Lucan makes him deliver a long speech about political morality in his Pharsalia.

Hierapolis - Castabala : Kesmeburun Village, Osmaniye , Turkey

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